How to get better at battlefront
How to get better at battlefront

how to get better at battlefront

Why is my Officer class far more highly progressed than my other classes which I enjoy playing more? Even without arguing the morality of these gambling mechanics which are hardly different than a jackpot slot machine complete with flashing lights, the progression system is just unrewarding. However, the fact these RNG boxes are placed front and center, in a game many younger Star Wars fans will be picking up this holiday season incentivizes and rewards compulsive, financially reckless behavior, no different from casinos which carry a strict 18 age-rating (and higher in some places). It's just saddening because the game underneath all of this gambling greed seems truly incredible. Star Wars Battlefront II isn't the most hardcore and balanced competitive game, especially when you factor in things like super-powered Hero classes and the like. Every time you're defeated in combat, Battlefront II shows you which star cards were used to defeat you as if taunting you for having bad cards. By tying the entire basis of progression to the crates, it further incentivizes payment. It also tries to nudge you into purchasing with a free crate every day. Star Wars Battlefront II puts its crate menu upfront and center, right there on the main menu. People who would buy the most loot crates on day one will have a significant advantage over those players that don't, which is depressing because the underlying game seems supremely amazing. Buying as many loot crates as I need to get the abilities I want, either using crafting parts or waiting until the RNG falls on my side. What can I do to side-step this bad luck? Well, EA could ask me to spend real money of course. The classes I do play, namely Assault and Heavy, are far lower level, with weaker abilities, simply due to bad luck. Including some "Epic" cards that grant huge bonuses. for the Officer class, which I don't play. I've been playing all weekend, and have amassed a ton of cards.

How to get better at battlefront