That being said, the majority of the game was spent on the ground, both on foot and in vehicles. While the previous games had helicopters and planes you could fly, SR3 made it much easier to drop yourself off on top of a skyscraper and do some naked base-jumping to get back to street level. Steelport 2.0 is a Vertical CitySaints Row: The Third did a fantastic job of improving on aerial combat with it’s addition of the VTOL hover-jets and futuristic rocket cycles. Now, with the addition of superpowers that allow you to hurl yourself into buildings at super-sonic speeds, the lowest score needed to pass the challenge on easy is a whopping $300,000 – which means you’ll need to practice flinging yourself across Steelport for a while before completing all three tiers (bronze, sliver and gold - also a new addition) of all the different activities. For example, when ragdolling around in SR3’s Insurance Fraud minigame, the average score needed to pass the activity on its hardest difficulty was $450,000. More Challenging GameplayMany of the activities from Saints Row: The Third return for this sequel, including fan-favorites like Tank Mayhem and Insurance Fraud, but in this iteration players will find that the activities are far more challenging. YES NOUnfortunately, the nature of the game demands that certain aspects of the previous customization systems be removed (we can't say too much without spoiling anything, but know that it does make sense within the game), and so players are no longer able to customize their hideouts, cribs and safe houses - which is a shame, considering it would be great fun to put stripper poles all over The White House.